The innovative lessons are designed to teach reading skills in 30 minute sessions. Your child can learn to their own pace, can stop and restart at any point and can revisit a previous lesson to refresh the prior reading skills.
One of the most overlooked aspects in conducting a reading program is the amount of reinforcement that is necessary. There is a pattern embedded in the lessons whereby a warm-up activity is periodically included in the lesson. The purpose of a warm-up activity is to reinforce either a foundation skill or a skill from the prior lesson. The lesson plan gives your child an opportunity to establish a pattern and attitude that they can become an independent reader.The warm-up allows you, the parent, an opportunity to confirm that your child has acquired a key skill for learning to read.
In the first workbook, Letter Names and Sounds, the warm-up for each session will review the letters of the alphabet. In books 2, 3 and 4, the warm-up will review the reading code. This factor of repeating specific reading skills is critical to the development of “muscle memory” type reading skills where a child can recall vowel sounds such as the long vowel i in kite or the short vowel i as in igloo.